RxFusion for Arduino

RxFusion currently supports the Arduino Zero and MKR1000.


  1. Download the RxFusion-Arduino-vx.y.x.zip from the latest release
  2. From Arduino IDE menu select Sketch -> Include library -> Add .ZIP library and select the downloaded file.


There are three parts to every RxFusion application for Arduino:

Part 1 - Header files

#include <WiFi101.h>
#include <RTCZero.h>
#include <RxFusion.h>

The WiFi101 header is only required if you plan to use WiFi.

Part 2 - Globals

  • All inputs and outputs are also instantiated as global variables.
  • If you are using networking then you need to instantiate a transport class (e.g. WifiClient).

This part varies for each application, but an example for a pulsing LED might be:

Range<int> ramp(-200,200,5);
AnalogOut<int> led(6)

The Range class generates integers within some range. The AnalogOut class drives a PWM ping, in this case pin 6.

See Classes for a complete list of input/output classes. Application setup methods are documented in Methods.

Part 3 - Main function

The app function is the main function that performs any device configuration (e.g. connecting to WiFi) and stream expressions.

For the pulsing LED example, this function might be:

void app() {
  ramp >> Iterate<int>(100,true) >> Abs<int>() >> led;

It contains a single stream expression. This stream iterates over the ramp range every 100 ms with repeat. The Abs operator takes the absolute value of the iterated numbers and sends the output to the LED. The absoulte value produces a saw-tooth waveform from 0 to 200 fading the LED on and off.

There are a large number of operators you can combine to form stream expressions. See Operators for documentation.