RxFusion Language

RxFusion is a dataflow language; an RxFusion application is essentially a definition of a directed graph that describes how data flows from the inputs through various operations to the outputs.

RxFusion provides a library of input, output and operator components, and a simple clean syntax to connect them together to form a dataflow graph.

RxFusion is an embedded domain-specific language (DSL) because it has a domain-specific syntax but that syntax is 100% compatible with a general-purpose language. The beauty of an embedded DSL is that it does not require any special development tools and developers can use all their favorite tools to write programs.

RxFusion is available in two flavors: RxFusion C++ (typically used for MCUs) and RxFusion Javascript (typically used for more advanced MCUs or CPUs). The concepts and operators are the same whether you are using C++ or Javascript, and there are only a few minor syntax differences due to differences between C++ and Javascript themselves.

RxFusion C++

An RxFusion C++ application consists of three parts: a preamble, input/output declarations, and the app function.


The preamble consists of the include statements required by the application. At a minimum, this includes the RxFusion header files but may also require other includes depending on the target platform.

For the Arduino MKR1000, we might have the following which includes additional headers for the WiFi and real-time clock.

#include <WiFi101.h>
#include <RTCZero.h>
#include <RxFusion.h>

Input/output declarations

Inputs and outputs are declared as global variables of one of the RxFusion provided types. See the Classes documentation of a full list of the available input/output types.

Here's an example of the input/output declarations from an Arduino application:

AnalogIn<int> sensor(A1);

WiFiClient client;
MqttPub broker(client,"broker.hivemq.com",1883,"vtcc8/rxfusion/test","vtcc8");

sensor is defined as an input of type AnalogIn<int> on pin A1. Some of the input/output types are templated like this one because they support multiple value types. For example, the AnalogIn type used here can produce values in any integer type. Many of the types also require or have optional configuration parameters. In this case, the pin is a required parameter of the AnalogIn type.

broker is an example of an output. The MqttPub class publishes data to a MQTT broker and has several configuration parameters. Inputs/outputs that communicate with other devices over a network typically take a transport object as a parameter like the client object in this example. The transport classes are specific to the target platform. Here, the WiFiClient class is part of the Arduino platform and provides transport over a WiFi network.

App function

The app function primarily consists of dataflow statements, but may also include any necessary platform-specific initialization. Here's an example from the same Arduino application referenced above:

void app() {
  ConnectWifi(SSID, PASS);

  sensor >> AverageOver<int>(1000) >> Format<int>("{\"sensor\":$1}") >> broker;

The ConnectWifi is required to initialize the WiFi connection, and the sensor >> ... >> broker line is an example of a dataflow statement.

Dataflow statements

The core of the application is the dataflow statements in the app function. They declare how data should be filtered, transformed, aggregated and combined to produce output streams from the input streams.

Basic linear dataflow

Many applications consists of one or more simple statements that take an input, transform or aggregate the data and send it to some output. Let's start by dissecting the simple dataflow statement from the example above:

  sensor >> AverageOver<int>(1000) >> Format<int>("{\"sensor\":$1}") >> broker;

It's meaning is informally understood fairly easily; the input stream from sensor flows through an average operator, a format operator and is finally sent to an MQTT broker through the broker output.

Together the operators and >> combinator are used to manipulate input streams to produce output streams. There are many operators available including higher-order operators like filter and map. See the Operators documentation for the full list.

C++ is strongly typed and the operators are templated to accept the expected input and/or output types. For example, the AverageOver operator produces an output stream of the same type as the input, so it has a single type parameter that specifies both the input and output types. In this case, sensor produces a stream of type int, so that is given as the type parameter to the AverageOver operator.

The Format operator accepts any type input and has a fixed output type xstring, so it has a single type parameter to specify the input type. The AverageOver<int> operator produces values of int, so that is given as the input type of the Format operator. The Operators documentation indicates what the required template parameters are.

The >> combinator simply connects the output stream of the left operand to the input stream of the right operand. There are also other combinators described below.

Forking streams

Sometimes you may want to fork a stream into two different operators. This can be easily done by creating a temporary variable to represent the stream to fork and then using it in two dataflow statements. Here's an example assuming sensor is some input, and console and post are outputs.

  auto data = sensor >> Poll<int>(250);
  data >> console;
  data >> AverageOver<int>(1000) >> post;

This represents a dataflow graph like:

                   /-> console
  sensor -> Poll ->
                   \-> AverageOver -> post

The application polls the sensors every 250 ms and sends the raw value to the console as well as to an operator that outputs an average every 1000 ms to a web server via the post output.

The sensor >> Poll<int>(250) expression represents a sub-graph and has an ugly templated type associated with it, but fortunately we can avoid dealing with that by using the C++ auto keyword.

Merging streams

If we can fork streams then we should of course be able to merge them as well. RxFusion has three different combinators for merging streams:

& (zip vector) collects values from the input streams until it has one from each and outputs a vector of the values of each stream. Vectors hold a fixed number of elements of the same data type, so the input streams must have the same type.

^ (zip tuple) collects values from the input streams until it has one from each and outputs a tuple of the values of each stream. Tuples can hold elements of different types, so the input streams do not need to be of the same type.

+ (union) simple outputs any value received from multiple input streams on a single output stream.

To use the zip combinator, your input streams should have the same sampling rate. Here's an example using &:

  auto data = sensor >> Poll<int>(250);
  ((data >> Drop<int>(7)) & (data >> WinAverage<int,8>()) >> post;

This example uses the WinAverge operator which outputs a rolling average of the last 8 values. Unlike AverageOver, this produces 1 average per input value. Thus this stream can be combined with the raw stream using zip. However, we need to drop the first 7 values from the raw input stream because WinAverage will not start until it has the first 8 values.

A dataflow graph of this example looks like:

                   /-------> Drop \
  sensor -> Poll ->                & -> post
                   \-> WinAverage /

Higher-order operators

There are a number of higher-order operators that take functions as arguments such as Filter, Map and Scan. These are easier to use thanks to the anonymous functions in C++11.

Here is a Map example building on the example of the previous section:

  auto data = sensor >> Poll<int>(250);
  auto both = (data >> Drop<int>(7)) & (data >> WinAverage<int,8>());
  both >> Map<Vec<int,2>,int>([](Vec<int,2>& v)->int {
    return v[0] - v[1];
  }) >> post;

The Map operator takes input values of any type and produces output values of any type, so it has a template parameter for each. The zip operator produces a Vec<int,2>, so that's the input type and we are going to output the difference, so the output type is int.

The argument is a function that takes input values and computes output values. In C++11, an anonymous function begins with [], followed by the formal parameters, ->, the return type and then a function body.

Value types

Beyond scalar types of C++, the values of a stream can be one of the following RxFusion types:

Vec<T,size> - a vector of size elements of type T. The elements of vectors are accessed using the [] index operator with a zero based index.

Tuple4<T1,T2,T3,T4> - tuples of 2 to 4 elements of type T1, T2, etc. The elements of a tuple are named fields _1, _2, etc.

xstring - a string value. This is an opaque lazy string type produced by the Format operator.

RxFusion Javascript

An RxFusion Javascript application is a Node.js application with three parts: a preamble, input/output declarations, and one or more dataflow statements.


The preamble consists of the necessary require statements for the application. At a minimum, this includes the RxFusion npm module. There is a generic npm module rxfusion as well has platform-specific modules that include input/output types that a specific to that platform.

The UDOO Neo has a platform-specific RxFusion module, so on the Neo the preamble might be:

var rx = require('rxfusion-udoo');

The name of the variable you use in the require statement is important when it comes time to write dataflow statements. The documentation assumes it is rx as shown here.

Input/output declarations

Inputs and outputs are declared as global variables of one of the RxFusion provided types using the Javascript new operator. See the Classes documentation of a full list of the available input/output types.

Here's an example of the input/output declarations from a UDOO Neo application:

  var mcu = new Mcu();
  var browser = new SocketIO(io, 'hist');

Input and outputs are always created with the new operator. The Neo is a dual-core chip, and the Mcu input type is a Neo-specific input which receives data from the MCU core. The SocketIO output type sends data to a WebSocket using the socket.io module.

Dataflow statements

The core of the application are the dataflow statements. They declare how data should be filtered, transformed, aggregated and combined to produce output streams from the input streams.

rx() magic

RxFusion uses operator overloading to define combinators that are used to build dataflow statements. Unfortunately, Javascript does not support overloaded operators! Enter rx() ...

When you require the rxfusion module, it returns a function that you assign to a variable, typically rx. This is a special function that returns a function which builds dataflow statements and enables the overloading of the >>, &, ^, and + operators.

Every dataflow statement must be wrapped in rx()(<statement>).

The rx() part returns a statement builder function which is applied to your dataflow statement to interpret the overloaded operators. The builder function can only interpret one kind of combinator at a time, so if you are mixing combinators in a single statement then you need to wrap the sub-expressions also as in:

  rx()(data & rx()(mcu >> Drop(7)) & rx()(mcu >> WinAverage(8)));

Here we are zipping together three streams with &. Two of them are sub-expressions built with >>, so those get wrapped in rx()(...).

Basic linear dataflow

Many applications consists of one or more simple statements that take an input, transform or aggregate the data and send it to some output. Let's start by dissecting a simple dataflow statement:

  rx()(mcu >> AverageOf(5) >> Window(16,true) >> browser);

Apart from the rx() part described above, it's meaning is informally understood fairly easily; the input stream from the mcu input flows through an average operator, a window operator and is finally sent to the browser through the browser output.

Forking streams

Sometimes you may want to fork a stream into two different operators. This can be easily done by creating a temporary variable to represent the stream to fork and then using it in two dataflow statements.

  var averaged = rx()(mcu >> AverageOf(5));
  rx()(averaged >> console);
  rx()(averaged >> Window(16,true) >> browser);

Notice that each statement is wrapped in rx()(...). This example represents a dataflow graph like:

                     /-> console
  mcu -> AverageOf ->
                     \-> Window -> browser

This application averages values coming from the mcu input and sends those directly to the console, but also to a sliding window operator which sends the last 16 values to the browser.

Merging streams

If we can fork streams then we should of course be able to merge them as well. RxFusion has three different combinators for merging streams:

&, ^ (zip) collects values from the input streams until it has one from each and outputs an array of the values of each stream. There is no difference between & and ^ in the Javascript version.

+ (union) simple outputs any value received from multiple input streams on a single output stream.

To use the zip combinator, your input streams should have the same sampling rate. Here's an example using &:

  var raw = rx()(mcu >> Drop(7));
  var avg = rx()(mcu >> WinAverage(8));
  rx()(rx()(raw & avg) >> console);

Notice that subexpressions also need to be wrapped in rx()(...).

This example uses the WinAverge operator which outputs a rolling average of the last 8 values. Unlike AverageOver, this produces 1 average per input value. Thus this stream can be combined with the raw stream using zip. However, we need to drop the first 7 values from the raw input stream because WinAverage will not start until it has the first 8 values.

A dataflow graph of this example looks like:

        /-------> Drop \
  mcu ->                & -> console
        \-> WinAverage /

Higher-order operators

There are a number of higher-order operators that take functions as arguments such as Filter, Map and Scan. These are easy to use thanks to the => anonymous function in ES6.

Here is a Map example building on the example of the previous section:

  var both = rx()(rx()(mcu >> Drop(7)) & rx()(mcu >> WinAverage(8)));
  both >> Map(v => v[0] - v[1]) >> browser;

The argument of Map is a function that takes input values and computes output values. These are written succinctly in ES6 with the so called fat arrow operator, =>, which takes the parameter list on the left and the return expression on the right.